It has been a VERY long time since I have even considered a blog post. I don't know why. Maybe its just that life has just gotten away from me. I don't know. I have had a lot of ideas and have actually started several posts over the last few months, but none of them worked. For me right now I am just grateful to be breathing. Life has gotten even crazier than ever, hard to believe, but it has. The Scott's are here and just treading right now. Trying to figure it all out. But we're good. I have just realized what is important and what is not. And keeping up with the "Jones" is not important. My little family has had its ups and downs this past six months, but we are still happy and stronger for our trials. I have mentioned in the past that I am not a very good church goer, and I have my issues with The Gospel, but I am truly grateful for my Heavenly Father and The Savior. Without them this past several weeks, I wouldn't of made it. Grateful for my Faith and my Family's Faith. I am grateful for The Lord's forgiveness and His love that I feel every second of the day. I have so much to be grateful for, and sometimes things get forced into prospective. I have been so discouraged lately, and at times I don't know what to do to not be. I find Joy in my minnies and my family. Jac is a great support and SO understanding. I am very grateful for him and his Love. I have been so blessed with the best family. I have two of the most loving, sweet, and fun sisters in the world, two Parents that love me no matter what stupid mistakes I make, and love me through them all. They are so understanding and helpful. LOVE to talk to my mom every morning. Sometimes she is what gets me going and kicks me in the butt. My dad. Wow. I don't even know what to say about him. My chest gets all tight and my eyes burn with tears when I think of my sweet Pops. He's a man of few words, but every single word of wisdom he gives me, is exactly what I need to hear. I love them dearly and am so grateful for the guidance and love they still give me everyday. I am also so thankful for my friends. They make me laugh and I enjoy our girls nights.
I know this post will make some of you wonder what this is all about. Its about my life. My crazy boring life. I can't explain what is in my heart right now, but l have experienced some very humbling trials lately. And without them, I don't know where I would be. I know God doesn't give us more than we can handle, but I never knew I would learn so much much from them. I have so much. So much. But I am always thinking I need more. Though its not bad to keep working and want for things. But, for me, it is now more about fulfilling my spiritual wants and needs, and filling those empty hollows in my Soul. Is this making sense? Probably not, but its my rantings and for some reason its making me feel better. I am trying to raise my kids the best I can. It sucks sometimes to watch them go through their trials and struggles. Sucks bad. They are my joy. My light. And my everything.
I guess what it all comes down to for me, is I'm tired. I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not. Tired of trying to keep up. Keep with the "Beer Commercial" life. So what if I like just be at home reading, playing with my kids, making my lists:D I will be me. And that is all I can do. Put God first, and everything will fall into place. Trust in the Lord. Two things I haven't done in a long, LONG time. I just feel like somethings missing in me. Maybe this is it. I don't know. I am content and happy. Just need to feel peace and comfort. I LOVE my husband soooooooooooo much and am so grateful for our 13 year marriage. He's my best friend. Gave me two beautiful babies that bring so much everything into this home. They just radiate Love don't they?!
Hope you are all well, and have Peace. That's my goal for the 2012 year. Peace.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Posted by thescotts at 8:22 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Just because he's away and I kinda miss him. Just kinda
(this photo was taken by Steven Stone in NYC a year or so ago)
Jac has been away for the last week. For those of you who know us, you know that is nothing compared to how much he travels. BUT, for some reason, this trip has been a hard one. I miss him so much! I always miss him don't get me wrong, but this time I really, really miss him:( Maybe its because I know that he will come home for two days, then leave for a week, then come home from that trip for three days, and then leave AGAIN for two weeks. I don't know. All I know is I miss him, and I think he's pretty swell. He is such a hard working guy who adores us, and we ADORE AND LOVE HIM. Oh, and I think he's pretty cute:D
Posted by thescotts at 3:12 PM 5 comments
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Please excuse the suckiness!
Well, I have definitely sucked when it came to this here blog this past couple of months. Wow, life was CRAZY BUSY! I can't believe how quickly April and May have flown by. I think I got some serious whiplash from the speed of it all. I have been bogged down with all the normallcies of mommy and wifeyhood, with a some added stresses. Jac works full time at UVU as their head photographer, goes to school full time, AND runs our side photography business. So, needless to say, I am a solo Mama most of the time. So, when things come to a head, which it seems EVERYTHING did this past two months, I have to endure and do it mostly alone. Which, I don't complain, cuz, I'm a lucky lady that's for sure.
So, I'm gonna give a run down of what has been been going down at Casa Scott.
April -
my birfday. I can say that this was one of my most favorite birthdays of all time. I had such a wonderful day. I spent the day lunching and shopping with my bestie/sistah Candace. We took the minnies to Red Robin ate some Yum food, and then headed over to Sephora in the Provo Mall. NOT the best Sephora, but it did the trick. I got some new makeup that I have been wanting. So AMAZING! I LOVE makeup. I could spend a week in Sephora and still not want to leave. I ended up walking out with Urban Decay Naked eyeshadow palette,
NARS Orgasm blush, and NARS Orgasm lipgloss.
I AM IN LOVE with it all and I use it all everyday!!!
That night my parents watched Ele and Phin, and Jac and I went out to dinner and more shopping. I LOVE my hubs and enjoy every date we get. He surprised me with a new Cannon printer. I have been needing/wanting a new printer for a while, and now I have a GREAT one.
We had Easter the next Sunday and WOW how fun it was. Minnies woke up to some fun Easter bunny baskets with lots and lots of toys, bubbles, gardening stuff, and a little bit of candy. We made a yum breakfast and actually made it to church.
That afternoon we headed over to Gram and Papa's for a fun Easter egg hunt with my Sis and her family and had a great dinner. It was a wonderful Easter.
The rest of the month of April was filled with lots and lots of play dates with friends, cleaning, school parties, family activities, dinner parties with friends, and lots and lots of CLEANING! Did I mention cleaning? hehehe! My house and my family are such a huge priority to me, and at times I have neglected them. I have decided to make sure I put my family and our humble abode at the top of my list, and I have to say, its paying off. I LOVE things organized and pretty. So, its been a work in progress with a huge payoff for me and my family.
May -
Well, lets just say this months has been ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!! I have had to really reorganize my schedule and find time to get it ALL done. We had lots and lots of school activities, and with me being the Room Mom for Ele's class, I had lots of obligations. I really enjoy crafting/creating stuff, so it was fun to get to make Mrs. T. her candy gram poster, plan a little party for her to present a thank you gift from her kids and parents. It was great to see her so excited. We have been so lucky to have such a great Kindergarten teacher for Ele. She will forever be in our family and we love her.
Mothers Day was a great day. I got to sleep in, NICE! Jac and the Minnies made me breakfast in bed and cards. We had a great day of staying home in Jammies and watching lots of Nascar:D We then went to visit our Mom's. We are both so blessed to have such fabulous moms and we love them both sooooooooooooooo much!!
We had lots and lots of dance rehearsals for Ele's dance concert with Jive. She did an AMAZING job. We are so proud of our little dancer. She and her class danced to "Boogie Shoes". so cute! BUT, I am so glad dance is over until August. Something about this year just bothered me and took a lot out of us all.
We have also been spending most days working on Potty time with Phin. Happy to report HE IS COMPLETELY POTTY TRAINED!!! YAY!! No more dipes for this house. We have been buying diapers for 6 years, and are very excited for the extra $50 a month. We are all so proud of him. He has done so good and is really proud of being a big boy!
The last part of May was just crazy! We had End of year party at school, kindergarten graduation, getting the house back in working/clean condition. I HATE my house a mess. It makes me ornery and I can't function. We had been in and out so much, that things just got out of hand. We also had A LOT to get ready for Jac to leave for pretty much the entire month of June:/ He is spending this week and half in Samoa, then he'll come home for a few days, take of to Wyoming for a week, then come home for seriously three days, and then take of to New York for two weeks:D All the craziness of being Jac's wife.
So, all wrapped up, We had a busy April and May. We are ready for some WARM weather and some summer fun. Ele starts her summer school program this next week, and we are all so excited for that! Something for her to do two days a week for three hours. Swim lessons are on the agenda as well, and lots and lots of camping, California, dinner parties, swimming, and lots of family time.
Apologies for my sucky blogging and a promise to do better this month.
Posted by thescotts at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 18, 2011
No, this is not a typo. I meant "birchin" not "bitchin". I am sure most of you would not be surprised to see me "bitching" about something on this here blog, but I'M NOT THIS TIME!
I am so EXCITED to share my birch box with you all. My sweet girly friend Hannah over at Sherbet Blossom , posted about birch box a few weeks ago, and I fell in LOVE! SAMPLES of beauty products!! They come in a pretty PINK BOX! Are you kidding me?!? I am so in. So, I signed up and got my first one the other day. I LOVE it! So much fun. It was like Christmas and my birthday:D It's $10 a month and you get samples, GOOD SAMPLES!
I got :
- full size lip balm that is worth $12 itself, by Pangea Organics - NEW FAVORITE lip balm for sure
- facial cream with ginger, lavender, and thyme by Pangea Organics - smells WONDERFUL!
- self tanning face pads by Dr. Dennis Gross, suppose to be amazing
- tooth paste by Marvis, it tastes great!(missing from photo, Jac took it on his trip this weekend)
- a mask packed with antioxidants by Alchimie Forever - can't wait to use this!
- free song download by a new artist
- and a brow brush
It Comes once a month in a pretty pink box, when you open that box, you get yet ANOTHER box, ooooooooooooooh! so pretty! And it is all wrapped in pink tissue paper, with a little card explaining all the products. AND you earn 10 points for every box you get which earns you $ off when your order off their website. ITS WONDERFUL and perfect for the girly girl in your life. I LOVE make up, skin products, brushes, nail polish and just about anything girly, and if it comes in a funky\pretty package, even better. Check, check it out!!!
Posted by thescotts at 12:11 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
That is all there is to call March around these here parts. MADNESS!! Ele came home from school the other day and told me that March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. I sure hope so! I know that saying is speaking about the weather, but I've decided that March is my unlucky month. Screw the luck of the Irish! I have no such thing.
So, with that "positive" outlook, here are my 5 picks for the month of March. Ta da! Let's hope the month of April will be much luckier. After all, it is my birthday month:D
My Camera!! OH HOW I LOVE IT!!! It is AMAZING! It really pays off to be married to a AMAZING photographer. I get all his "old" cameras. Jac gets a new camera as soon as the next one comes out, and I get the used hand me downs. heeeheee!alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5584721278597569154" />
I LOVE my Nook. It is probably the greatest gift Jac has ever gotten me. I read non stop. You can get a new book within seconds and they are usually cheaper than getting them at any bookstore and even Costco. AND you don't have all those books piling up.
This saying says it all! I am addicted to Diet Coke. I LOVE IT! I prefer Sonic's with Lime, but will take it any way I can get it. I'll even drink it warm for crying out loud!
NAIL POLISH!! I LOVE getting Manni and Pedi's!!! Best thing ever! So relaxing and who doesn't like pretty hands and feet. I go as often as I can. But, if I can't get out for a treat, I do my own and O.P.I. is the best brand of nail polish. So smooth and pretty colors! If you use their base/top coat, it last pretty long too:D
And, my favorite thing EVER! My blackberry! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Jac has an Iphone and I prefer my blackberry over it any day. Too each his own, but I prefer the blackberry. So convenient. I love having the keypad and I LOVE the calendaring system. Helps me to be more organized
Posted by thescotts at 9:28 AM 2 comments
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Ok, so I have Pneumonia. Seriously? I can't believe this. I started feeling a cold coming on a week or so ago. Typical around here. It's cold winter and with two kids having play dates, going to school, and all the other stuff, its bound to happen right? Right. Well, this past Tuesday Ele stayed home from school. She had been awake a lot the night before with a stuffy nose and a headache. So I decided to keep her home to rest. That is when I started to feel a bit worse than a cold was coming on. Of course being Kelly, I ignored it all and went on with my usual life. I ABSOLUTELY HATE going to the doctor, and will avoid going at all costs. Well, I sure ignored this, and now I am paying HUGELY for it. I went to the doctor yesterday, Friday, because I was having a hard time doing ANYTHING. Walking up the stairs was like running a marathon. I would see stars and start passing out once I reached the top. PATHETIC! So, I took the advice of the all knowing Jac, (well, he thinks he's the all knowing, I think he's the ANNOYING:D) and called the Doc. Too make A LONG doctor visit story short, and hour check up, and X-ray later, I was told to go home, take the Antibiotics, drink lots of fluids, and REST, REST, REST!!! Basically, I neglected a virus and it settled into Pneumonia. The X-ray showed fluid in the lower part of my lungs, and I guess that's not good. Needless to say, I am taking it easy. I HATE it! I don't like being told I have to stay home and take it easy. I didn't do it well when I was Preggers with Phin and was placed on moderate bed rest at the end of the pregnancy, and I am not handling this well either. I feel like crap and have ZERO energy, so sitting down is a must, but I am pretty pissy about it. I feel for Jac and the Minnies because I am so grouchy! Thank GOD for Real housewives of every city on Bravo and all my other CRAP TV I love. Good thing for my laptop, blackberry, and my Nook. I am trying to just keep busy and not yell and get to mad at the messes made by the kids and Jac. So, I will hopefully be back to my normal energetic, bitchy self in a few days. If not, I will be BITCHING here more.
Let's pray for my little families sake that I have a quick recovery.
Posted by thescotts at 12:26 PM 4 comments
Saturday, January 29, 2011
GADGETS, SHOES, PURSES, EARRINGS, VACUUMS, and on and on!! I LOVE stuff! Lots and lots of stuff. I am a shopper. This is no news to my family. I LOVE to buy new stuff! Shoes are probably my biggest weakness, with purses a close second, but I think as I get older, so do my obsessions. I have a slight obsession with gadgets. Just a slight one. I LOVE kitchen appliances, my blackberry, ipods, my nook, my laptop, my vacuum, H2o mop, and so much more.
So, I decided to do a once a month post on my must haves for the month. A post on things I have been loving and using, or have come across that I think I would like to have. I am not a very good money saver. I actually suck at it. Confession, so does Jac. We are terrible with money and our finances. We are lucky we can have everything automatically taken out of our bank account, or nothing would ever get paid.:D Its a very bad trait, and we both have it. It is one of my personal goals that I am working on.
I have to brag and boast for a minute. We have NO car payments!! WAHOO!!!!!! First time in our relationship. It feels so nice. Even though my wagon has had problems, I love it! I want a new car, probably an SUV, but I am going to stick with my VW until it won't run anymore. Save some money and then get the car I really want. But not having a car payment at all, Such a great accomplishment. It makes me so happy! Oh and the money we are saving monthly, well, that is the BEST PART:D
Any who, here are 5 of my favorites this month. Enjoy!
BEST Mascara EVER! It really makes my lashes look longer and thicker. NO CLUMPS either.
I am a lipgloss girl. I do not like lipstick. I can never find a color I like, and it feels funny on my lips. This lip gloss from Victoria Secret is my Fave. It conditions and heals your lips. Smells good too, and comes in such a cute tin:D
This Thurmos water bottle is the GREATEST water bottle. I love the spout, and with the little lever, it doesn't leak in my purse.
The Eddie Bauer car seat protector is AMAZING! I use these for the Minnies car seats. They protect the leather in my car, and they have great little mesh pockets for their stuff.
AND last but not least, My Blendtec. This is THE GREATEST appliance I have ever owned! I LOVE it! It makes soup, ice cream, grinds wheat, and on and on. Want to see more, go to Costco and watch their Demo.
Posted by thescotts at 8:42 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
2011, will it be better than 2010?!
I have been sitting around the last few weeks thinking of my next blog post. I have so much to catch up on. Oh sooooooooooooooo much! So much that I was stressing out about it. So I decided to just start fresh with the New Year, and let the stress go. I am not a big fan of resolutions. I know a lot of people say that, but I don't like them. I totally defeat before I even begin. So I have decided to just stick with a few goals, and one of them happens to be a more productive and POSITIVE person.Not focus so much on the negative in my life, because I do. I am going to try and enjoy each moment and make the best of my days.
A lot of my negativity is my lack of exercise which causes me a lack of energy and causes me to stay in the depths of this negative, depressive state. I AM DONE!!! I am 32 years old and refuse to become a victim to myself anymore. I have made some changes in my life and am refusing to be this FAT ASS person anymore! And, with the help and support of my sweetest sisters, and my rock Jac, I know I will get to where I want to be. I think blogging weekly on my success will help me stay on the right path. I feel like crap 90% of the time, ad its all just a lack of discipline. I have so many changes to make, and can honestly say that I am so excited for the hard work and the results. I will NOT be posting pics, but I am sure you all have seen my fat ass around, so I don't think I need to anyway. I am so sick of feeling insecure when I run into an old friends, and just sick of looking at myself. But, mostly, I want to be a better example for my minnies. Eating right and exercising is just life, and I haven't been showing them that. I don't want them missing out on fun activities because their mom doesn't want to do it because she might be embarrassed of being seen. That is exactly what I did last summer. Hide, Oh, and a big F YOU to you A - hole I went to high school with that thought it was oh so funny to take pictures of me with your cell phone at the pool last summer, SUCK IT! You are a terrible person! You might be skinny and have fake boobs, but you are an ugly person inside. I hope you read this and know that I pitty you. You know why.
Ok, that's off my chest. Ahhhhh! I feel much better now.
Back to the goals. Here they are, the final ones. I thought and thought about them, and these are it! I am happy with them, and will be doing my damnedest to accomplish each and everyone of them.
- be positive and NICE to all. (this one will be hard for me, harder than the weightloss!)
- back to a heathly weight and lifestyle
- boob job (yes all, I want\need one bad!! And my girls need to be back where they were pre minnies:D)
-house all painted
-house all organized
-wood floors laid in family\dining room and kitchen area
-and last but certainly not least, run a 10k in October. I want to be able to run the freedom run in July if my damn knee cooperates. We'll see, but for sure a 10k in October.
Also, I am trying to post more on my blog. Pics of our family and all the super fun activities we do. We DO A LOT of stuff, and I am so bad about posting about it all. So, there will be lots more on our family fun and vacations. I am truly a blessed lady. These two crazy blond hair blue eyed Angels keep me busy, and I LOVE every minute of it. Jac is such a wonderful father. We have our moments of disagreement, but I couldn't be luckier. He is so supportive of me and truly is my sunshine. Oh, and he is pretty damn good looking and is HILARIOUS!!! We have a good life, and I need to be more grateful and show it. So this is my journey, giddee up!!
Posted by thescotts at 7:35 PM 6 comments