Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well, Phin is one month old. How time flies. I can't believe it. I am getting use to not sleeping FINALLY! He is a really good baby though. He is usually really content and happy if mommy is holding him. He loves his big sister and will stop crying as soon as he hears her voice. Ele is sooooooooo good with him. She doesn't understand to not put things over his face, and pushes a little hard on him when she is helping me change his diapers or helping get him dressed, but other than that, she is amazing with him. She did say the other day that I should just put a pillow over his face to get him to stop crying! OY! Jac and I keep a very good eye on her right now with him. Where did she get that Bapa?!?!?! My dad likes to teach Ele really interesting things!


Tricia said...

They are so dang cute! And, ah, i think i might put the pillows out of reach for awhile, hehe! at least she is creative in her helpfulness. love and miss you guys so much! ...Tee

Kristen said...

Hey Kelly and Jac,
What great pics. I was so happy that we got to see you all the other day. We miss you! Thanks for keeping us up to date with your blog. I love the music and your style of writing is so cute. Keep up the good work and maybe I'll do the same. You have inspired me.

Michelle C. said...

Has it really been a month? He is a cutie. I'm glad I'm not the only one not sleeping at night.

Unknown said...

They are soo cute Kel! Just put a pillow over his head?! Oh no! I love the things kids say! Just keep a eye on her! Too cute!

Lana said...

Oh kel, that is so adorable! I love those pictures and Ele is a sweetheart. Your kids are gorgeous. I love that she said that. Kids are so innocent.
Noah kept telling me that the reason Maddox wouldn't sleep very much was because he was so happy to get out of that freakin stomach that he was floating in and sleeping in for like a year!!!!