Friday, January 2, 2009

SIMPLIFY in 2009

That is my motto for 2009. As I reflect back on 2008, I am just amazed at what our little family accomplished. We really reached some new mile stones and welcomed new miracles into our family. Our sweet baby boy Phin joined our family on July 10th. What a joy he is. His smile lights up the world. He is truly the best blessing we received this last year. He is going to be 6 months old and I can't believe how quickly time has gone by. Cherish your little ones. They grow so quickly.
Our sweet Eleanor is three and half, and it seems like yesterday we were just getting ready for her birth. She is the sweetest, funniest, craziest, and most giving little girl I have ever been around. She is going to be starting dance lessons soon and she can't wait. Pre School starts in August and she talks about it every day. She can't wait to go to the pool and be with her best friend\cousin Ally every chance she gets! I don't know how a person can look into little children's eyes and say that they don't believe in God. They are just true miracles. I know mine are. There is no way my sweet children could be here on this earth without God. So I am so grateful to him and our Lord for my family.
Jac has been working a ton this last year. It is a bitter sweet blessing. I miss him every time he leaves, but he is out making money for our family so I can stay home. He works so hard and has become such a great Photographer. I am so proud of him. Our children adore him and can't wait to see him every time he comes home. I love my Budah with all my heart and he is my balance. He makes me a better me. I love you Jac.
So, I am going to make some BIG changes in my life this year. I want to Simplify everything I can. I guess I am just trying to teach Ele and Phin what really matters in this life. My family is the most important thing to me, so I want to simplify my life to make sure I make them my first and most important priority.
So, as I sit and set my goals for the new year, I hope to achieve each and every one of them. I hope that I can really make food storage and being prepared a real goal this year and not just talk about it. I am going to TRY and not be so materialistic and save some money. But, if you see me with the new Marc Jacobs bag, don't judge! HEEEHEEE! I am going to be at the Gym a lot more and lose this baby weight. I am, I am!
I hope to see all my good friends a lot more and bring happiness and peace to this world in some way.
Happy New Year to all of you from my sweet family to yours.


Emma Crowther said...

Amen to making life more simple. I have learned that the kids don't need a hundred different activities every day. Time with family is so important.

Duncahoo said...

I think I for sure need some of that to. Hope all is well and to see you soon. Happy New Year

*WEST* said...

I hear ya on the hubby being gone! Love your post, have a great day!!

Kristen said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again... you have a way with words! I love reading your posts. You summed it up sister! It was so good to see you and visit with you the other day! Thanks again for making time for me.
Love ya,