Monday, January 19, 2009


Well, I am very sad to report that my sweet little baby Phin has RSV. This is the most horrible sickness we have ever been through with either of our children. He has been SUPER sick since last Wednesday. I took him and Ele to the doctor last Tuesday because I was worried that they both had real nasty colds and ear infections. The doctor told me that Phin just had a head cold, and Ele had a virus and we just needed treat their symptoms the best we could, and wait it out. Well, we went to Jac's grandpa's funeral the next day, and were out all day long. Phin didn't get a nap or any rest. We got home that afternoon and he had a fever. He didn't sleep at all that night, I mean at all, and was really sick and coughing horribly on Thursday. I called my pediatrician and they told me to just keep giving him Tylenol and if he was still bad in the morning to bring him in. Well, he was coughing so bad that night that he was throwing up. I called the doctor as soon as they opened and we went right in. Our dear sweet friend Debbie Hill who is the Nurse Practioner, didn't like the way he looked or sounded. We did an oxygen level test on him, and he was down to about 78 to 80. That is not good! The lowest you should be is 80, and they can even be alarming. We did a Nebulizing treatment and they told me if his levels didn't get above 96 then he would be hospitalized. So, as I sat there in the little exam room with my sweet baby boy trying to breath and get away from the nebulizer, I prayed with all my heart that he would me alright. When they came in and tested his oxygen again, it was at 97 and 98. WHEW! We were very happy. They prescribed an antibiotic and sent us home with a nebulizer with strict instructions to keep him in the house and not take Ele around any kids. Needless to say, it has been a rough weekend. We have been doing treatments around the clock every 6 hours and they seem to be working. We are all getting cabin fever and a little sick of each other, but are so happy to report that Phin is doing a lot better. If you have ever had a child get RSV, then you may know what I am talking about when I say it is HORRIBLE! I am so happy to see my baby boy smile and sit and play. I have seriously been holding him around the clock for about 5 days now. I finally slept in my own bed and he in his the other night. He is still struggling to breath but is much better. We go back to the doctor tomorrow for a check up.
So, my reasoning for this post is not to get attention or sympathy from any of you, but to make you all aware of RSV. I was sure that Phin just had a cold and that he was fine. Well, the doctor also said that too the first time we took him in. But, if your infants have a really nasty cough and a temperature, make sure you ask your doctor to do an RSV test. I am just glad we caught Phin's when we did. If we would of gone just one more day, his oxygen level would of been so low that he would of been in the hospital. Hopefully none of you will ever have to watch your sweet little babies go through this, but if you do, be really dedicated to the nebulizing treatments, they work! God bless!


Tricia said...

Hey -
I am so sorry you all had to go thru this & am glad he is feeling better. I have to say that is a GREAT pic of Phin - i love it! Love & miss you lots!

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that he is doing better! How did the whole holding the mask on his face go? Corbin hated it! love you guys!

*WEST* said...

Kel, that is so scary!
Hang in there I know it is just as tough on the mom if not harder to go through it all too! Let me know if ya need anything!! Glad he is doing better..

Kristen said...

I'm so glad that he is doing better! How scary. I hope you all get better and are able to get back to normal soon. I know how hard it is to be stuck in the house and how scary it is to have sick kids. It's awful!
Keep us posted!

Michelle C. said...

Oh Kel, I am so sorry to read all that you have been going through. Colby had breathing problems when he was two and was put in the hospital. We know the nebulizer while.

Hope things are going better. Sick kids suck!

Jenn S said...

Poor little Phin! I hope he is feeling better. Not fun having sick babies! He is absolutely darling. Your kids are both beautiful! Love their eyes!