Sunday, September 28, 2008

Circus and Bumbo time!

Well, life has definitely been crazy around the Scott household. Jac is working non stop. He and Steven landed a really great side job gig, so he is pretty much non existent. We see him maybe an hour a day. It has been really hard on Ele. She misses her daddy so much. And I didn't realize how much he does around here until he is gone. We are going to make it though. He will be finished by the 18th of October. So if you see me with less hair, you know why. HEEEEHEEEE!
I took Ele up to see the Circus this last Friday. She needed a date with mom with no baby Phin. Phin stayed home with my great friend Jessica and had a great time with her and her son Noah. Me and my parents took Ele to see "The greatest show on earth." It really was spectacular! I think me and my parents liked it more then Ele, but she really had a good time. After I spent $22 on a spinny light thingy, and $12 on cotton candy, She was set! She watched then entire show sitting on Gram or Bapa's lap. I didn't get the best of pics because like the moron I am, I brought the little point and shoot and not the good camera. Sorry babe! It is really sad when you are married to a professional photographer and have access the the best cameras, and you take your little one and you don't know how to use it very well. Here are a couple pics that I could salvage.
Phin is a very happy baby now. Since we got the Colic under control, thanks to Gripe water, he is a new baby! Well, he still screams in the car, but we are dealing with that. He is actually getting better. BUT, he is really happy because he can finally sit in his Bumbo chair. He LOVES it! He can see the world. He really likes to sit and watch Ele play and just see what is going on. His eyes are bugging out of his head because he is a Davis and we have huge eyes. Everyone thinks he looks scared all the time, but that is just the joy of having big blues!
Well, that is what has been going on with the Scott clan. We are really looking forward to Fall and all the fun it brings. I love the smell of the leaves and seeing all the colors change on the mountains. Fall is the time of year that I met Jac and fell and never looked back. He is the most amazing husband and father. We all miss having him around so much and can't wait for him to be home more. We are looking forward to celebrating Jac's birthday and our tenth wedding anniversary this November. I am very blessed and love my family so much.


Unknown said...

Looks like you had a good time! I can't believe that Phin is already sitting in a bumbo! How time flies!

Ryan & Becky said...

I can't believe you've been married ten years. Where did the time go. Ryan and I are going on nine years in November too. I wish we went to the circus. I love the circus. How does Your week look? Tomorrow and Friday are my only Busy afternoons.

*WEST* said...

Gripe water is the best thing ever, it worked so good for Gage! I missed the circus this year it looked like a lot of FUN! We need to get together!!!

Tricia said...

for those of us 'far far away'...THANKS for the photos & update! i love & miss you lots - Tee