Friday, July 10, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR SWEET MONKEY!!! Phin turned 1 years old today! I can't believe how quickly time flies! It seems like just yesterday he was this little tiny infant. Now he is walking, laughing and talking his little language. He can say yes, light, and hat. We love him SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! He is such an amazing little boy. Loves to play with his big sister Ele and just watch her. He is fascinated by her. She is definitely his favorite.
I love watching him with Jac. He is so happy when his daddy is holding him. He is on top of the world.
I am so happy to tell my sweet little Monkey HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET BOY!!! We love you so much!


*WEST* said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We need to all do a swim day!

mckell said...

He is so cute, I haven't ever noticed how much he looks like ele

The Tuk Girl said...

Oh my look at Jac's mini-me!!! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Can you believe our babies are
"1". Time goes by way too fast, but I love this stage!!! Happy Birthday Phin:)

Sunshine said...

AAWWW!! look at that big, happy smile. He is so cute.

Lana said...

I am in shock that Phin is already one year old. That is crazy for me because I still haven't met him. He is so precious!
I wanted to cry when I read your post about Kota. That is the sweetest thing ever. I am so sorry about your loss. What a great dog!
That post about Jac was so sweet too. You two are an amazing couple and you are a good wife to share him with his second "girl."
He looks great on the bike!
Hey girl, please send me your email address because my blog is now private and I want to invite you.

Anonymous said...

Awww! Happy Birthday to the little guy!! So sweet!



P.S. Thank you again for my little ad spot! hehe I lurv it! xoxo