Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Well, Things in the Scott house are a lot different. We are adjusting to having little Phin around. I am learning to live on 4 hours of sleep, and carting two kids around instead of one. BUT, there is one of us in this house who is still her little spunky self. Ele has been AMAZING adjusting to having a baby brother. She has her moments of tantrums, but she all in all she has just been great. Until yesterday afternoon. I took the kids up to my mom's house so Ele could run around the back yard and just be in her world of adventure and do her thing. Well, my mom and I were sitting at the kitchen table watching Ele out in the sand box which is in the very back of my parents yard. Their sandbox surrounds an old apple tree that my parents don't really care about, so they let the kids pick the apples and play with them as long as they throw the apples in the trash so Grandpa doesn't run over them with the lawn mower. Well, there aren't many apples left on the tree because the kids have pulled most of the low ones off already, but Ele needed some food for her horses so she decided to pick the "apples," from the little trees in Grams garden. Well, they weren't apples they were my mom's Roma tomatoes that she was so excited about. Let's just say, my mom won't have to many Roma's this summer! Grandma and Grandpa laughed so hard they could hardly stand it! Ele is a very lucky little girl to have a grandma and grandpa with such a good sense of humor. They thought it was just the funniest thing when she carted them into the house and showed them what she had done and apologized. She is our sweet little adventurer!


riles said...

I had to laugh at this post because my kids picked all of my dads carrots "they were all ready to be picked mom!" no just because we buy baby carrots in the store doesn't mean grandpa's wouldn't grow to be 6 inches. My dad laughed too and said well as far as natural consequences I can't not let them eat carrots ever again so not much you can do! fun stuff your kids are darling it's been too long!