Sunday, August 1, 2010


I am feeling very unstable right now. I don't like making big decisions, it makes me feel too grown up. So life is a bit lumpy for me right now. But, in the midst of all this "LIFE", I can't help but be grateful. Jac is on a trip. Which usually means me feeling a bit weepy and anxious on the first day he is gone. He has been traveling since the day we got married, and I have to say that I am use to it, but it still isn't easy. And it doesn't help that he is out of the country which means I can't text him or call him whenever I want, and that makes me feel very uneasy. Also, I am PSYCHO! I sit and think of HORRIBLE scenario's all day. Seriously. I am sitting here right now thinking that he is going to get kidnapped by some Peruvian Gorilla and placed in a hole in the ground, with a single light bulb hanging/swaying above his head, and bugs and rats crawling all over him, and I am going to have to go all Meg Ryan and fly to Peru and find him, all the while fighting the urge to fall in LUST with Russell Crowe. Oh wait, that wouldn't happen because Russell Crowe really isn't a PI, and eww, he's gross anyway. Maybe if it was Wenworth Miller or Channing Tatum. Sorry, totally of course! But still, I hate when he is out of the country and it really doesn't help that I read to many books and watch way to many movies:D So, the whole reason for this post is I am feeling very protective/grateful for my family today. My Sis is in town and that is SO GREAT! We have been doing lots of laughing, shopping, eating, drinking, shopping, and just talking. Loudly of course! It is so nice to see her and catch up. I LOVE being with my fam and reminiscing about the good old days when I made all their lives a living hell:D Well, I think I still do, but I try to make a few better decisions, and plus I married Jac and had two babies for them so I think I have a few brownie points to out weigh the boo points.
My minnies and Jac are my whole life. I eat, sleep and breath them. My mind never stops thinking about what I need to do to be a better mom and wife. Getting Ele ready for Kindergarten:( making sure the kids have a fun summer, take care of my sweet budah who works WAY too much, AND trying to keep Phin from destroying everything in his path. WOW! Who new boys could be so much harder to raise then girls. just this past month he has lost my Itouch, single handedly dirtied up the carpets that I just had cleaned, and now his bedroom too. (We are investing in our own carpet cleaner this week) AND he just decided to color all over the screen of my nook. WOW! He is a tornado, AND l have learned so much about how you really can't take your eyes off of him for 1 second. That has a whole new meaning. But, All in all, my life is full. Full of LIFE, LOVE and PEACE. This picture just says it all. This is my favorite view. Better than any beach, sunset, Christian Louboutin shoes, Coach purses, photos of Channing Tatum:D This is my Peace. This is my piece of Heaven in this crappy world. The man who stole my heart and gives me PEACE, my Blue who makes our house shine and gives me LOVE. Monkey who keeps me on my toes and makes me laugh and has brought a whole new meaning to the word LIFE. AND last but certainly not least, that little brown lump on the couch. Our Sadie Sky. She has been a part of this insane family from the beginning. She is our first baby, and brings all this LIFE LOVE and PEACE altogether. My family is my favorite and my best, and I want life to freeze and stay just like this Photo. Them all here in the house, not aging, not traveling, not doing anything but being together. Always and always together.